Entrance Doors
If you are considering replacing your existing doors
you'll probably be looking at a range of options.
PVC-u doors made from REHAU profiles are available in
a variety of styles, all offering the advantages of
extra warmth and comfort in your home, along with longer
lasting performance than that of many replacement doors
made from other materials.
Next to windows, the style and condition of the front
door is the key factor which gives a home its character
and personality. There's no doubt a new door can give
any house a dramatic and immediate face-lift.
Front and back doors take a lot of abuse. In addition
to daily wear and tear, they have to be strong enough
to withstand slamming (deliberate or accidental!), children
swinging on handles or kicking footballs and the exuberance
of the family dog.
Doors made from REHAU profiles are up to the job. They
incorporate galvanised steel reinforcing and a unique
corner jointing system. Under test the corner jointing
system gave 2.77 times more resistance to deformation
than an unreinforced corner.
Doors manufactured from the REHAU profile incorporate
a number of features to help increase the security of
your home and are designed to accommodate a wide range
of modern, multi-point locking mechanisms.
us if you require any further information.
